I have been heavily involved in the leadership of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) student branch at Caltech. In the Spring of 2022, I was elected to be the Vice Chair for the branch. As Vice Chair, I organize large-scale events that focus on promoting professional development and technical excellence for our fellow aerospace enthusiasts on campus. In August 2022, I co-founded Caltech Air and Outer Space (CAOS), which is the initiative that brings together the aerospace-related clubs on campus in order to share resources and provide organization to all the clubs. The AIAA branch, the Caltech rocketry club PARSEC, and technical projects such as the NASA BIG Idea Challenge and the University Rover Challenge (URC) all fall under CAOS.
In the Fall of 2021, I was selected to be a Technical Lead for the NASA BIG Idea Challenge for which we were awarded $180,000 to build and test our robotic design. More information on my contributions to the Challenge can be found here. From Fall 2020 to Spring 2022, I was the Director of Public Relations for the Caltech AIAA branch. I helped organize and publicize the events that we hosted and maintained the club's social media pages.
The Caltech AIAA branch members at various social events!

Branch Highlights
View our Branch Highlights from the inception of the AIAA club in the Fall of 2020 to the Spring of 2022.
Here are some of the flyers that I made as Director of Public Relations to promote our events!